Different Styles

Thursday, August 9, 2012

High Messy Bun

I do this style a lot on days where my hair just DOESN'T want to do what I tell it to do...and that is almost everyday. I love this style also though because you can mess with it the way you want to mess with it. You can add a bow, a ribbon, a headband or even a bandana. Make it your own style.

1-3 rubberbands (depending on hair-thickness)
Hairspray (if nessicary)
Headbands, etc.

What I do with this style: Second-day hair works great with this hairstyle. I always like it to look like it is connected to my head, but there are other ways to do it so it looks like it is high or loose. 

Attached are some of the best video tutorials.

2 ways:
 For any length hair: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfSsYqWAd3A (I always use the second way she does)

Sleeked-Back Poof

I found this hairstyle at cutegirlshairstyles.com a few days ago and had to try it out. It is very simple and only requires 5 minutes to do. I recently used this in a photo shoot that is did on my other blog (The Light in the Dark.) It has this edgy side where you can wear it to school, to work and even to a party or concert. 

Hairspray (if needed)

I will attach the link to the video on cutegirlshairtstyles.com below my photo. 
Try it yourself!  

What I did a little differently with mine is: I only did one ponytail back under my poof. I also, to secure the poof, Bobbi-pinned the poof right above the ponytail to make sure it stayed on the top of my head.

Tip: Straightening your hair before doing this makes it way easier to sleek it back.